Thursday, February 22, 2007

Wonder and Amazment

Wonder and amazement, Those are just two of the multitude of feelings that have overcome me during this whole thing. Adyson is just so incredible, though I still don't think its really hit me that shes ours, made by God from us, WOW. It is amazing how quickly you become so attached to someone so small. It really is a wonder how something so delicate and intricate is created inside of us humans, what a wonderful privilege.

We have had so many visitors to come and see our new bundle of joy. Thank you to all of you who came, and thanks to all of you who couldn't make it. I'm sorry there aren't any pictures up yet for those of you who can not come. Unfortunately I cant download anything from the computer here in the hospital rooms. I am going to try to do that this evening when I go home to see Rufus.

Chrissy and Adyson have done great since we have been here. Chrissy and her are really figuring out how the whole breast feeding thing works. Chrissy is still having pains (understandably) when she gets up or sits down due to the use of her ab muscles. Its amazing how much you use them and don't realize it. Chrissy is doing great though and the Dr. said that 80% of the pain should be gone by the end of the first week.

So it looks like we all will be going home tomorrow! Were not sure when we will be leaving, we have the room until midnight tomorrow. I think Chrissy is really ready to go home and wants to get home sometime before sunset.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Here she is!!

Adyson is finally here! They took Chrissy into surgery about 2:50, while I waited very nervously while they prepared her.

Until finally they called me in. I sat next to Chrissy and held her had as they proceeded to retrieve Adyson.

Then soon afterward She was born at about 3:26pm Feb. 20, 2007. 7 lbs. 13 oz. and 20 1/2 inches long.

We will get more photos up asap!!!

We will be at Clarion North Hospital in room 413 for the next 3-4 days.


Its looking like a C-section

Well Chrissy's contractions are progressing well, and the baby is moving down. But the cervix isn't opening any farther, and swelling. The nurse said that is a sign that Adyson isn't going to fit. It is appearing that it is going to be a c-section.

Still Coming

Its about 12:00 noon and Adyson is still on her way. The nurses have been moving Chrissy into different positions the last couple of hours trying to get Adyson to drop, so far so good! Adyson has dropped down and Chrissy is now measuring at about 8 cm and effaced.

And we are still waiting.......


One way or another

Its about 7:15 am, Dr. Raney just stopped by and saw Chrissy. She is now measuring about 5 and 90 -2. Dr. Raney started Chrissy on pitocen to regulate Chrissy's contractions to bring the closer together. The Dr said she is going to try to give Adyson the chance to come out normally but with Chrissy having a small pelvis and Adyson hanging out so high they may have to resort to a C-section. We will see how it goes. Right now Chrissy is taking a nap, trying to get some sleep in while she can, I think it is some of the most/best sleep she has gotten all night.

Until next time....


6 am, just a little more comfortable

Good morning everyone. Well I should have listened to my coworker and enjoyed last nights sleep just a little bit more. Its been a long night, Chrissy probably doesn't remember much since she took an Ambient about 10pm.
The drugs they have been giving Chrissy to ripen her cervix have stimulated her body into going into labor by itself. I guess around 1 am Chrissy's water broke, not nearly as gross as you think its going to be, actually it was a little funny seeing it happen to a drugged up pregnant woman. Since that time though Chrissy's contractions have been increasing and getting stronger. The contractions at around 5:30 am had been running at about every 3 minutes. Chrissy decided then to get her epidural. She seems to be feeling great now, and She is sleeping a whole lot better too. Just before the epidural the measured her again Chrissy was measuring about 4 cm dilated and more effaced, I guess that's more from the 70% she was earlier. With the way things are looking they may not need to use pitocen.

There is the scoop from 6 am February 20th


Monday, February 19, 2007

In the hospital

We are at the hospital. They just gave me a sleeping pill. The doctor will be in the morning to break my water and give me poticen(spelling?) We will keep you updated. Pray for us. We will post pictures hopefully tomorrow.

Isn't technology great! Here is a picture of Chrissy writing this blog.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Bed rest

So we went to the doctor's today. Adyson passed her non stress test but made the nurse work for it. She wouldn't stay still so the nurse had to hold the monitor and move it when she moved. She is an active little girl. My blood pressure was rather high when we got there and my face was flushed. So they took my pressure again after the test and it was still high. Then they discovered that I am spilling protein into my urine, which she said that means my kidneys are working to hard. So they made my lay on my left side for awhile and took my blood pressure again, this time is was low. They want my to be on bed rest for the rest of the weekend and drinking lots of fluids. If she doesn't come naturally this weekend, then we go in on Monday at 6pm, they are going to give me antibiotics and a sleeping pill. Then my doctor will break my water and give me piotcin in the morning. So they said late evening Tuesday or early Wednesday we will have a little girl. I'm hoping for Tuesday, the sooner the better.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A snowy Indy day

Well we had a very snowy icey day today. It wasn't so bad this morning but has gotten worse over the day. My school was closed but we had a non stress test for Adyson at 9:30 so we braved the weather. She did not want to wake up for about 30 minutes and did nothing. Then they pushed around on her and put a vibration machine on my belly and she finally moved. She passed the test. They have scheduled me for another non stress test for Friday at 1 and will induce on Monday the 19th at 6pm if she is still not here. I haven't progressed at all since last week.
So Kris brought me home and went to work for a few hours. Adyson didn't move from 10:30 till 3 and I called my doctor and she sent us to the hospital for another non stress test. Once we got there Adyson woke up and did jumping jacks and that made us feel alot better. It is very unusual if she doesn't move for an hour let alone that long, but all is well. So as of right now it looks like we will have her on Tuesday the 20th if she doesn't grace us with her presence before then. We will keep you updated!

Friday, February 09, 2007

The Waiting Game

Its a nerve racking waiting game. Adyson's due date is quickly approaching, Monday the 12th, and oh the anticipation to see that little girl who we created. (With God's divine help of course) I am getting really excited, and still a little nervous. I know it will be wonderful, and God's grace is sufficient... even to get me through those long nights and early morning drives to work. Thank goodness my mom is coming to help us out the first week.

I know that Chrissy and I are not the only ones anticipating Adyson's birth. Both sides of the family can hardly wait either. Its fun to call them and say "Chrissy isn't in labor!" and listen to them. I know its probably wrong, but fun!

So here is the update for all of you.

Chrissy went to the Dr. yesterday and she measured between 1-2 cm. and about 70% effaced. So it is any time now!, still. If Adyson does come by Tuesday the 13th she will go through a non-stress test. Then if she doesn't come by the following Monday the 19th they will go ahead and induce Chrissy at 6pm. The Dr. said that only about 7% of all pregnancies go that long.

I will let you know more as it unfolds.

We love you all.
