Tuesday, May 15, 2007

12 weeks old

Addy is 12 weeks old today. 3 months!! I can't believe it. She has discovered her hands and feet and loves to watch them. She loves to chew her hands, she hasn't figured out how to get her feet into her mouth except for one time so far. It's amazing how flexible she is :-)

Friday, May 11, 2007

Weekend down in Vevay


Adyson with Grandpa

Addy with Grandma

Chrissy and Jenny

Four Generations
Mama Rose, My mom, Chrissy, and Addy

Addy with her great great grandmother

Addy with her aunt Morgan


Adyson is doing well at school. She is getting used to all the sounds. She comes home and crashes still. She also has been sleeping thru the night for about 4 weeks now, which is wonderful. She will be three months this coming Tuesday.


Here are some pictures of Madeline. She just went to the doctor and has gained 10 ounces so she is 4lbs 15 ounces now which is alot for almost two weeks.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Lots of updates

Chanda in the hospital

Addy on her first day of school

Johanna at the hospital

Madeline Claire Riegal was born at 7:13 pm on Sunday April 29th. She weighed 4 lbs and 5 ounces. She is currently in the NICU doing very well. Chanda is doing great. They went to the hospital around 1pm and she progressed from 2 to 10 by 7pm and only pushed for 13 minutes, which was around 8 pushes (lucky girl). We don't have any pictures of Maddie yet, we didn't take the camera into the NICU when we held her. She does have light brown hair and is tiny. She may come home this week if her blood oxygen level stays level. Al couldn't switch his flight so he went to Springfield MO as planned and hopped in a car, after like 27 hours on a plane, and drove here.

Adyson and I are now back to school. We started last week. It was a really hard week. I cried on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights and when I dropped her off the first day. She had her two month doctor's appointment on last Monday and she weighs 11 lbs and 1 ounce and is 23 inches long. She is doing great. She has been cranky yesterday and today at school. She is not use to the noise and is not sleeping very well during the day, so when we go home she eats, takes a nap, eats, then she crashes and sleeps thru the night.

Johanna had her doctor's appointment today. They did an ultrasound on the baby. The baby is 4 lbs and 15 ounces, which puts them in the 12th percentile which is good and she is 1-2 cm dilated. They want the baby to gain 1 to 1 1/2 pounds before they are born. She has 4 weeks till her due date. She really wants to go full term this pregnancy.