Sunday, November 26, 2006

My grandmother

My grandmother passed away two days after her birthday this week. It is so wierd to think of this world without my grandparents. They shaped who I am and taught me so much about this world and about God. I laughed when Papa told me not to believe everything that a pastor said. I thought that was funny b/c he was my pastor at the time. He went on to explain that I needed to get into the word and find things out for myself and not always believe what people said but to find out the truth for myself. When I was little Mama told me that one day everyone has to find God for themselves, not thier parents God. That didn't make sense until I was in my senior year of high school and found myself at the altar with papa during the end of a service. He looked so confused at me crying for awhile and finally said Chrissy are you saved. He lead me through a prayer that made God my personal God, not the God my parents told me about. I could tell a million stories, what a mark they made in my life and not just me, they made a billion marks in so many lives. They were true, what you saw is what you got, nothing hiding, no pretense, just people in love with God and loving on you b/c that's what they were meant to do.

Kris and I were talking about how we can let our kids get to know my dad and grandparents without them phyically being here. My grandfather made me a shelf back in 89 and we are hanging it up in Adyson's room. She is also getting the doll bed that he made me. I am going to tell her stories and show her pictures, but most of all I want to show her God's love. It is everywhere, in nature and in people. I want her to see the world like that like they taught me too.

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