Saturday, August 26, 2006

Long time no blog

We haven't blogged in awhile. We have been rather busy and when we are not busy I am sleeping. I have been really tired but that's what happens when you are using so much energy to grow another living being inside you. We are 16 weeks along. The baby is about 5 1/2 inches long and weighs about 3 ounces. It can swallow! It has toenails and can move its eyes although there is not alot to see in there. It's amazing, the baby's growing so fast. I haven't gained any weight so far but my weight has shifted to my belly. My pants are not fitting so well anymore. Right now I have one pair for work that was too big before but fits now.
This is our first weekend home in last three weeks. We went to Vevay IN and Carrollton KY to visit family one weekend. The next weekend we went to Branson MO, it was a short visit. We left Saturday morning at 5am and got back at two am Monday. It was not pretty getting up four hours later for work. Last weekend we took some of the junior high youth group to a paintball tournament in Michigan where we camped out for the weekend. They had alot of fun. They played three games and got last place. They were the youngest team by far out there and they played agaisnt pro sponsored teams. Johanna and I were in charge of making all the meals, it was fun, but there was alot of down time for us, next time I'm bringing a book. Here is a picture of them.

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