Friday, July 10, 2009

Trying to catch up on blogging

It's been awhile since our last blog and tons of stuff has happened. My kids are growing leaps and bounds. Adyson just finished swimming lessons. Abby is cooing and it won't be long till she starts to crawl, which is a happy sad thing. It's going by so quick.

Sitting here thinking of everything that I haven't blogged about the last few months and all I can think about is how happy I am as a stay at home mom. It's funny bc I always wanted to do it but we just thought it wouldn't work out with the budget. Funny how life throws you a curve ball and what seems like a bad thing like losing your job turns out into the best thing ever. I am more productive, happy, content, and a better mom and wife since I stopped working.

I am volunteering at church (which I always wanted to do but was so physically and emotionally tired after work that I just couldn't muster anything up to give to anyone) Kris has taken on the Jr High Youth Director position, which he loves. It is the greatest thing to see him light up again. Our relationship has changed too. I used to come home and complain and vent to him about all the drama and stress of work. He was a great husband and would listen, give his advice, and ask how much more I could take. It's so different now, we talk about God, politics, current events, everything under the sun. Kris said to me about a month after losing my job that he was so glad to talk to me about other things than work. I realized that I let it consume me even though I tried really hard not too. It's not healthy. I have talked and seen many people that quit before me and they are doing great. Two that I can think of were having lots of health issues and as soon as they stopped working, their health got immediately better. Isn't is crazy what stress can do to you? I learned alot while I worked but I think I lost alot too. But you can't change the past just learn from it and look to the future. I am excited about the future, watching my girls grow and discover, getting to teach them (hopefully they retain the good stuff :-) and just relaxing, serving at church, and serving my family, what could be better than that.

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