Friday, August 29, 2008


I was talking to a friend this week and she was saying how people don't know her, only the ones she trusts. She is this beautiful woman that always has a smile on her face, you would never know or imagine what she has come thru, she's amazing.

So brings the question, who are you behind the smile? I am a pretty open person and strive to be the same person at home, work, and church. Yes we have different roles but I want to be the same person. But I think my defintion of being open means if you ask or if the info pertains to the conversation at hand. Not everyone knows my parents are divorced, i have had 2 stepmoms, 1 stepdad, a brother, half sister, stepsister, and at one time 2 stepbrothers or that I held my dad's hand the night he lost his battle with cancer. Sounds strange but I wouldn't change any of it, I like who I am b/c of my life experiences.

Behind my smile is a girl who loves God, who loves to sing worship songs for hours, who loves her family, desires to be the best wife ever to the most deserving husband, and a great mom. Sometimes we forget what we are because we are so busy with life or with smiling.

My old BRSMers will understand this. Life was so easy in the middle of revival, we lived in hope and faith, we met people all the time that God touched and changed, we started everyday at chapel and ended the night with the ushers blinking the lights at us after midnight. I like to look back to see how I have changed and if I like the change or not. Right now I don't like it in certain areas so I'm going to fix it. My desire is to teach my children what I have learned so our morning routine is changing. Can you tell that I have spent the night listening to Mike Motley, Jessie Rogers, and Jason Upton?

Ok enough thinking for tonight, I'm exhausted and going to bed.

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