We had a good Easter. We went to Church and then to Phil and Sandy's for lunch. Eli and Christian dyed eggs and had an easter egg hunt. Then we had Sandy's mexican food and Marsha's american food, and both were great. Funny enough this is the first time my husband has seen me in a dress if you don't count the wedding dress. It was funny when I tried it on, he said it's wierd seeing my wife in a dress, and I realized that I haven't owned a dress in the last four years we have been together. Hope your Easter was wonderful and you spent it remembering that we all have a calling in our life, he carried his out for you, Are you serving yours?
1 comment:
Adyson gets more beautiful by the second! and chrissy i love ur dress! u looked very beautiful, i DON'T! wear dresses! not ever again, i wore dark jeans and a green v-knecked sweater! this summer were going to HAVE to go to belterra! i want the buffet! and u can bring adyson! if u think she's old enough to be exposed to germs? im sure she will be!
oh and one more thing did u get the pics of annie! if u did isn't she sweet! (on the outside of coure.) on the inside she's a little stink! haelo on the outside, horns on the inside!!!
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