I laid in bed for an hour tonight just thinking. So I figured i probably should get up and do something. I thought about a couple things like how much i love my husband, Christmas presents, the Christmas store at church tomorrow where i get to help kids shop for presents for their parents, how people treat thier children differently, about how big my little girls are getting, about birthday parties the next few months, things like that.
I think how much i love my husband sticks out most. I have had friends over the years tell me how lucky i am and one friend even told her boyfriend one time that he needed to be more like Kris :-) Kris is wonderful, loving, respectful, and caring but not perfect. Not to discount anything about him but i think a big reason that i have heard too many times "i wish he would be like Kris" or "my husband is not like that" is bc i don't talk bad about my husband and I don't complain about him. There have been times when everyone is complaining and i have things to say but i bite my tongue bc if I don't like something then i need to tell him and not be disrespectful behind his back by talking about him.
I see it like a reality show, bear with me while i explain it. Almost all reality show couples end up breaking up, why? (Hulk Hogan and his wife, Jon and Kate, Jessica and Nick, the only ones I can think of that are together are Ozzy and Sharon) Drama sells right? The TV show picks out the faults of the couples and then focuses on them. There are things that all of us don't shout from the rooftops that our spouse does bc it annoys us slightly. But imagine the whole world is focusing on that trait that didn't bother you before but after it being magnified by the media it all of sudden seems really big and bothers you. Reality shows and talking bad about your spouse to other people are adding fuel to a fire.
I'm not trying to condemn anyone, I'm just reflecting on my marriage, and what people have said to me over the years and trying to figure out why they said those things. I just encourage you to next time before you complain, think about telling him first that it bothers you, he can change it, not your friend. I have told Kris what habits annoy me over the years and he has told me too. I have to say he does a much better job than me on changing the thing he does that annoys me than i do changing the thing that annoys him. I am still working on not "cleaning" things away to get them out of sight but where he can't find them later :-) We will always be a work in progress.
Over the last 7 years I would say i have my associates in Kris 101, now I am working on my bachelors, then my masters, then my doctorate, and so on. You can't stop learning about your spouse bc just like education fields out there they are ever changing.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Make a will
If you have not made out a will, go make a will. It will help your loved ones in a especially hard time.
Heard the oddest news today. My great grandmother is making a will. (not odd, she is getting close to 90) She and her husband (my great grandfather) bought the house that she still lives in back man
y moons ago. (It is a wonderful love story that I should share another day.) He passed away roughly 40 yrs ago of a sudden heart attack. Anyway I get a call from my aunt about my great grandmothers house, since it is in my great grandfather's name and he passed with no will, the state of Kentucky says it should go to his children and since his son (my grandfather) has passed, it would go to his children, and since my dad has passed it would go to us 3 kids and my dad's last wife (why she would be involved in anything of an inheritance of our family is beyond me, especially since she got everything of my dads and gave nothing to us kids - not upset just stating
another fact why you should make a will)
The lawyer is sending us all papers, 11 people in all. We have to sign the papers if we want to give my great grandmother permission to give the house to who she wants to in her will. Ok I understand laws are there to protect us, i will give them that. But my great grandmother should be able to make her will and give her house to whoever she wants (she wants to give it to her 3 remaining children) and not have to ask permission. All the people she has to ask permission from never had the pleasure and honor of knowing her husband.
I just wish this was easier for her, none of us want a claim to what is hers. We just want her to live another lifetime and bless us with her stories, her unending love, give a thousand more of those soft kisses, and to watch her eyes sparkle when she tells us about her dad coming over on the boat from Germany or how she loved one man in her life and sometimes at night still wakes up thinking he is beside her even though he has been gone now longer than they were married. I love my Grannie and I can honestly say that everyone that has ever met her would say "Oh I love Miss Harmon too".
Heard the oddest news today. My great grandmother is making a will. (not odd, she is getting close to 90) She and her husband (my great grandfather) bought the house that she still lives in back man
The lawyer is sending us all papers, 11 people in all. We have to sign the papers if we want to give my great grandmother permission to give the house to who she wants to in her will. Ok I understand laws are there to protect us, i will give them that. But my great grandmother should be able to make her will and give her house to whoever she wants (she wants to give it to her 3 remaining children) and not have to ask permission. All the people she has to ask permission from never had the pleasure and honor of knowing her husband.
I just wish this was easier for her, none of us want a claim to what is hers. We just want her to live another lifetime and bless us with her stories, her unending love, give a thousand more of those soft kisses, and to watch her eyes sparkle when she tells us about her dad coming over on the boat from Germany or how she loved one man in her life and sometimes at night still wakes up thinking he is beside her even though he has been gone now longer than they were married. I love my Grannie and I can honestly say that everyone that has ever met her would say "Oh I love Miss Harmon too".
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
God listens
We had a friend that was moving and gave us a ton of stuff. It was such a blessing to us. We had been talking about what we wanted to get the girls for Christmas and what was important and what were just wants. We left her house with everything we had talked about wanting and more. I'm not talking small things either, things like a car seat for Abby, a kid table and chairs, a wagon we could never afford, play-doh tools, art supplies, art easel, toys, the list goes on and on. I love it when God listens to you in what you feel is the small stuff and shows you his love is abundant.
So we (or i should say i) have been trying to get organized lately. Kris has been shaking his head alot when I tell him how I want to organize but he always helps :-) The kid toys were taking over the dining room. So we split them and put some upstairs in the office. Which makes it easier for me. So when i am upstairs cleaning or putting away laundry (which is too often) they have somewhere to play safely. Instead of going thru the bathroom trash like Abby crawled and knocked over the day. It freed up a closet that has holding alot of toys that I would switch in and out. It's silly but I love when everything has a place.
So we (or i should say i) have been trying to get organized lately. Kris has been shaking his head alot when I tell him how I want to organize but he always helps :-) The kid toys were taking over the dining room. So we split them and put some upstairs in the office. Which makes it easier for me. So when i am upstairs cleaning or putting away laundry (which is too often) they have somewhere to play safely. Instead of going thru the bathroom trash like Abby crawled and knocked over the day. It freed up a closet that has holding alot of toys that I would switch in and out. It's silly but I love when everything has a place.
Friday, August 07, 2009
Our Rufus
We had to put our puppy Rufus to sleep. It was the hardest decision ever but he had multiple health issues but the huge cancer mass was the driving force. He was almost 15. Kris got him when he was in high school. Kris and I have never cried so hard. It was the worse thing I have ever experienced. I was there when my dad died, but i had no control over it, didn't know when it would happen, and had prepared myself for months that it was going to happen. This time I had control, knew the exact moment, and had not prepared myself mentally. I just wanted him to die peacefully in his sleep but that's what everyone wants right? I cleaned up all his stuff today, put it in the garage, and threw away his bed (almost cried when the garbage men took it) I thought that would help Kris if everything was gone when he got home but I think it made it worse. Adyson didn't ask about Rufus all day until dinner, then she called for him. Then when we came home from Walmart she was looking for him. I know she doesn't understand, we keep telling her that Ru is in heaven. She told us at dinner that Rufus died and we told her she was right. I want to find a stuffed choc lab puppy for her that looks like him. I don't think we will get another dog for a few yrs, it would be like cheating on him. We are just dealing with guilt right now not that there was anything we could have done to stop it.
Being a grownup sucks sometimes. Now I understand what my parents have had to do over the years. But I wouldn't trade having him even when he annoyed me :-)
Being a grownup sucks sometimes. Now I understand what my parents have had to do over the years. But I wouldn't trade having him even when he annoyed me :-)
Friday, July 10, 2009
Trying to catch up on blogging
It's been awhile since our last blog and tons of stuff has happened. My kids are growing leaps and bounds. Adyson just finished swimming lessons. Abby is cooing and it won't be long till she starts to crawl, which is a happy sad thing. It's going by so quick.
Sitting here thinking of everything that I haven't blogged about the last few months and all I can think about is how happy I am as a stay at home mom. It's funny bc I always wanted to do it but we just thought it wouldn't work out with the budget. Funny how life throws you a curve ball and what seems like a bad thing like losing your job turns out into the best thing ever. I am more productive, happy, content, and a better mom and wife since I stopped working.
I am volunteering at church (which I always wanted to do but was so physically and emotionally tired after work that I just couldn't muster anything up to give to anyone) Kris has taken on the Jr High Youth Director position, which he loves. It is the greatest thing to see him light up again. Our relationship has changed too. I used to come home and complain and vent to him about all the drama and stress of work. He was a great husband and would listen, give his advice, and ask how much more I could take. It's so different now, we talk about God, politics, current events, everything under the sun. Kris said to me about a month after losing my job that he was so glad to talk to me about other things than work. I realized that I let it consume me even though I tried really hard not too. It's not healthy. I have talked and seen many people that quit before me and they are doing great. Two that I can think of were having lots of health issues and as soon as they stopped working, their health got immediately better. Isn't is crazy what stress can do to you? I learned alot while I worked but I think I lost alot too. But you can't change the past just learn from it and look to the future. I am excited about the future, watching my girls grow and discover, getting to teach them (hopefully they retain the good stuff :-) and just relaxing, serving at church, and serving my family, what could be better than that.
Sitting here thinking of everything that I haven't blogged about the last few months and all I can think about is how happy I am as a stay at home mom. It's funny bc I always wanted to do it but we just thought it wouldn't work out with the budget. Funny how life throws you a curve ball and what seems like a bad thing like losing your job turns out into the best thing ever. I am more productive, happy, content, and a better mom and wife since I stopped working.
I am volunteering at church (which I always wanted to do but was so physically and emotionally tired after work that I just couldn't muster anything up to give to anyone) Kris has taken on the Jr High Youth Director position, which he loves. It is the greatest thing to see him light up again. Our relationship has changed too. I used to come home and complain and vent to him about all the drama and stress of work. He was a great husband and would listen, give his advice, and ask how much more I could take. It's so different now, we talk about God, politics, current events, everything under the sun. Kris said to me about a month after losing my job that he was so glad to talk to me about other things than work. I realized that I let it consume me even though I tried really hard not too. It's not healthy. I have talked and seen many people that quit before me and they are doing great. Two that I can think of were having lots of health issues and as soon as they stopped working, their health got immediately better. Isn't is crazy what stress can do to you? I learned alot while I worked but I think I lost alot too. But you can't change the past just learn from it and look to the future. I am excited about the future, watching my girls grow and discover, getting to teach them (hopefully they retain the good stuff :-) and just relaxing, serving at church, and serving my family, what could be better than that.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Late Easter pics..
Abby is getting big...
Abigail tried out the exersaucer for the first time today for about 4-5 minutes. She liked it and used her feet to spin herself around to see the tv (good she can spin but bad that she wants to see the tv). Adyson was so excited to see Abby standing up, after I took Abby out, Adyson said "Addy up" meaning she wanted in and cried when I told her she was too big. So I told her to go get her babydoll and put her in it, that made her happy.

Thursday, April 16, 2009
What a day....
Yesterday Kris found out that his company is doing a 2.5% pay decrease for everyone, which stinks. Right now our budget doesn't work on paper but it works out every month so we are believing that God will continue to take care of us.
We had a long day today. I woke up this morning at 7:30 when Abby woke up (she slept from 10pm to 7:30am, it was nice) As soon as I woke up I smelled dog pee, so I had to track that down. It was in Adyson's room, so I had to green machine the carpet. (Rufus is 15 years old and has lots of accidents anymore so I don't get mad but its still gross and not fun to wake up to) The girls did not feel good. Abby would cry if you sat down while holding her, she was happy when she was being held and walking around the house. Adyson wanted the opposite, she wanted me to sit down so she could be in my lap with my arm around her or she would cry. So I took turns making them happy, which meant one of them was always crying. Adyson ate half a bagel and drank water but refused to go to the bathroom all day. Finally an 40 minutes before Kris got home I got both of them to sleep. So I ran thru the house trying to clean and the washer overflowed water all over the hallway, first time that has ever happened to me. So I cleaned that up and Kris helped me move the washer and dryer to get under them. The girls woke up in great moods, we had dinner and watched a movie. Adyson finally went to the bathroom before she went to bed. I went to check on her before I went to bed and she was running a 103.8 fever, so I got her Tylenol and a cool bath. As I was looking for where I sat the thermometer down she started throwing up in her room. So I was back on my knees with the green machine cleaning her floor. I rocked her to sleep and she is down to a 101.2 fever, so I won't sleep much tonight checking on her.
I am thankful for my green machine and that Abby isn't throwing up. All in all it wasn't a bad day just a few unpleasant moments.
We had a long day today. I woke up this morning at 7:30 when Abby woke up (she slept from 10pm to 7:30am, it was nice) As soon as I woke up I smelled dog pee, so I had to track that down. It was in Adyson's room, so I had to green machine the carpet. (Rufus is 15 years old and has lots of accidents anymore so I don't get mad but its still gross and not fun to wake up to) The girls did not feel good. Abby would cry if you sat down while holding her, she was happy when she was being held and walking around the house. Adyson wanted the opposite, she wanted me to sit down so she could be in my lap with my arm around her or she would cry. So I took turns making them happy, which meant one of them was always crying. Adyson ate half a bagel and drank water but refused to go to the bathroom all day. Finally an 40 minutes before Kris got home I got both of them to sleep. So I ran thru the house trying to clean and the washer overflowed water all over the hallway, first time that has ever happened to me. So I cleaned that up and Kris helped me move the washer and dryer to get under them. The girls woke up in great moods, we had dinner and watched a movie. Adyson finally went to the bathroom before she went to bed. I went to check on her before I went to bed and she was running a 103.8 fever, so I got her Tylenol and a cool bath. As I was looking for where I sat the thermometer down she started throwing up in her room. So I was back on my knees with the green machine cleaning her floor. I rocked her to sleep and she is down to a 101.2 fever, so I won't sleep much tonight checking on her.
I am thankful for my green machine and that Abby isn't throwing up. All in all it wasn't a bad day just a few unpleasant moments.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Busy week...
We had a busy week last week.
Youth on Monday night, while I was doing childcare for all the youth leaders the Kiels brought in new furniture for the preschool room so I could arranged the room while I was there. The room looks awesome if I say so myself. I spent Monday and Tuesday cleaning my house b/c family was coming over. Tuesday night we ran around getting all the stuff we needed for the next night. Wednesday was our extended family Christmas stocking exchange (yes it was very late but that's when everyone could get together). I spent Thursday cleaning up from the party(ironic right.. we spend all that time cleaning before a party just to make a mess that we have to clean later but I love having people over) then that night we went to Nana and Papa's to do an Easter egg hunt and dying eggs while Chanda, Allen and Maddie were in town. Friday Kris took Al to the airport early in the morning thus leaving him tired when he got home so he slept on the couch while I packed. Saturday morning was spent rushing around running errands to get ready to leave for the weekend and then driving to Vevay IN to my parents. Sunday we went to my grandma's for dinner and an Easter egg hunt, then drove to Carrollton KY to see my great grandmother, then on to Louisville Ky to stay with my cousins Jenny and Joey. We stayed up way too late like 3am, Jenny and I got really giggly about nothing which is the sign that we need bed. We hung out all day and drove straight to Indianapolis to church for youth that night. Boy were we tired but it was fun. Kris preached that night, did great, prayed for the sick, and one boy gave his life to Christ!! Yeah!!!! That's what life should be about... spending time with the ones you love and leading people to Christ.
Youth on Monday night, while I was doing childcare for all the youth leaders the Kiels brought in new furniture for the preschool room so I could arranged the room while I was there. The room looks awesome if I say so myself. I spent Monday and Tuesday cleaning my house b/c family was coming over. Tuesday night we ran around getting all the stuff we needed for the next night. Wednesday was our extended family Christmas stocking exchange (yes it was very late but that's when everyone could get together). I spent Thursday cleaning up from the party(ironic right.. we spend all that time cleaning before a party just to make a mess that we have to clean later but I love having people over) then that night we went to Nana and Papa's to do an Easter egg hunt and dying eggs while Chanda, Allen and Maddie were in town. Friday Kris took Al to the airport early in the morning thus leaving him tired when he got home so he slept on the couch while I packed. Saturday morning was spent rushing around running errands to get ready to leave for the weekend and then driving to Vevay IN to my parents. Sunday we went to my grandma's for dinner and an Easter egg hunt, then drove to Carrollton KY to see my great grandmother, then on to Louisville Ky to stay with my cousins Jenny and Joey. We stayed up way too late like 3am, Jenny and I got really giggly about nothing which is the sign that we need bed. We hung out all day and drove straight to Indianapolis to church for youth that night. Boy were we tired but it was fun. Kris preached that night, did great, prayed for the sick, and one boy gave his life to Christ!! Yeah!!!! That's what life should be about... spending time with the ones you love and leading people to Christ.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Friday, April 03, 2009
Going for a walk
We took a walk the other day. It was a bit chilly so we got all dressed up. Adyson had to wear her tutu of course. Abby fell asleep so we went outback to play on the swingset. I had to bribe my daughter to come inside, yes i gave in. It was before nap and she wasn't about to come in from being outside, which is her favorite thing ever, so I got her with a promise of a bath, which is her second favorite thing.

We play dress up all the time
Adyson loves to play dress up. Thankfully she got alot of dress up clothes for her birthday. She can dress herself which makes it easier too. Although she keeps trying to wear Abby's clothes which of course doesn't work. Anyway, when I was little I loved to wear my tutu everywhere so I let her do the same. We took a walk the other day and she wore her tutu. It was the cutiest thing ever (or so I thought). I love being with my girls, it is the best way to spend your day. The only thing that could make it better would be if Kris could be with us all the time too but you know that whole needing money and supporting the family thing gets in the way :-)
New pics of Abby
Abby is getting so big. She is smiling now especially when you call her a pretty girl. She is getting a little chunky now, she has three chins :-) I have no clue how much she weighs, she is three months so next month we have a doctor appointment to see. It's amazing how much she looks like Adyson when she was this age but Abby is a little chunkier and not as long.

Thursday, April 02, 2009
Playing in the backyard
We played in the backyard today. Adyson and Daddy had a screaming contest as you can see in the pic below. Abby wore a skirt today so Adyson insisted that she needed to wear a skirt too, how cute. We can not get her out of her Car boots that Nana bought for her, it is so funny all the outfits that she puts them with that do not match but oh well, she's happy. The very last picture Adyson took of me and Abby.

Thursday, March 26, 2009
March already?
Adyson had a fun Nana day today. They hung out all day, went purse and shoe shopping, and ate at McDonalds. What more could a 2 year old little girl ask for. She was so tired tonight at bed time. Sue also cut my hair when they got back, I really needed it, my hair has not wanted to behave lately.
In January we went to a 6 week group called "Fireproof your Marriage." It showed movie clips and Kris and I got to do homework together. It was fun and nice to spend that time with each other. I am always surprised to find out that people did not talk about things like finance, kids, and stuff like that before they got married. Kris and I tried to cover everything and pre-mariatal counseling really helped us too. Of course somethings you can't discuss until they happen.
Anyway, it got us really talking about the callings in our lives and how we miss being in ministry. So Kris is now a youth leader for jr high and I provide childcare for the youth leaders. It is good for Adyson to have a chance to play with kids, I know she misses being around children every day but she is getting spoiled with mommy's attention all day. I am joining two other women to take over the preschool room at church too. It needs so much work, no one has ever been in charge of it and random toys have been thrown in the room. I'm excited b/c I love putting a room together and teaching.
I have started a women's bible study on Tuesday nights. It is a Beth Moore study on Esther - it's tough being a woman. I have read Esther several times but she is giving so much history behind it and it makes so much jump out to you. I am enjoying it.
The girls are growing so much. Abby is smiling and cooing. She is too long for her newborn clothes, I had to pack some away today which was a little sad. They grow so fast. Adyson is potty trained, I can't believe it, she was so easy. She just decided it herself and did it. I hope it is this easy for all my kids. Her speech is really coming along too, you can carry a conversation with her and understand all of it. It is so great. I love being with my girls. I missed Adyson while she was gone today, weird right? But then again I miss Kris when he is at work.
Easter is almost here!! We are going south to my parents. YEAH!!!!!!
In January we went to a 6 week group called "Fireproof your Marriage." It showed movie clips and Kris and I got to do homework together. It was fun and nice to spend that time with each other. I am always surprised to find out that people did not talk about things like finance, kids, and stuff like that before they got married. Kris and I tried to cover everything and pre-mariatal counseling really helped us too. Of course somethings you can't discuss until they happen.
Anyway, it got us really talking about the callings in our lives and how we miss being in ministry. So Kris is now a youth leader for jr high and I provide childcare for the youth leaders. It is good for Adyson to have a chance to play with kids, I know she misses being around children every day but she is getting spoiled with mommy's attention all day. I am joining two other women to take over the preschool room at church too. It needs so much work, no one has ever been in charge of it and random toys have been thrown in the room. I'm excited b/c I love putting a room together and teaching.
I have started a women's bible study on Tuesday nights. It is a Beth Moore study on Esther - it's tough being a woman. I have read Esther several times but she is giving so much history behind it and it makes so much jump out to you. I am enjoying it.
The girls are growing so much. Abby is smiling and cooing. She is too long for her newborn clothes, I had to pack some away today which was a little sad. They grow so fast. Adyson is potty trained, I can't believe it, she was so easy. She just decided it herself and did it. I hope it is this easy for all my kids. Her speech is really coming along too, you can carry a conversation with her and understand all of it. It is so great. I love being with my girls. I missed Adyson while she was gone today, weird right? But then again I miss Kris when he is at work.
Easter is almost here!! We are going south to my parents. YEAH!!!!!!
Friday, March 06, 2009
Pics of our front room
Saturday, February 21, 2009
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