
Adyson is growing fast. She was born at 7 lbs 13 ounces. When we left the hospital on a Friday she was 7lbs 1 ounce. We took her to the doctor that following Monday and she was up to 7-3. We took her the Monday right before she was two weeks and she was at 8 lbs. The doctor said she wouldn't ask how she is feeding because she could tell. I am breastfeeding but she prefers the bottle, probably b/c it's easier for her.
She sleeps alot of course but she will surprise us by staying up for two hours sometimes. She pretty much sleeps and eats every 2-3 hours. Yesterday she slept for 5 hours straight. I was almost worried, I kept checking on her, the only bad thing was that it was during the day, I wish it was at night. But I have no complaints she goes back to sleep at night after she eats pretty easy. Kris is a sweetheart and takes the night shift on the weekends. I never asked him to, he just started it the first Saturday. The other night we switched sides of the bed so he could be by the bassinet and I woke up after a dream of her crying to find her in her room in her crib crying and Kris laying in bed. I looked at him and he said I'm in time out. Apparently, she did not want to go to back to sleep unless she was in his arms and then that didn't even work, so after much crying he put her in her room and took a time out. I got up and got her and she stopped crying and fell straight asleep, I don't think it was me, I think she has just exhausted herself out crying. It was cute and funny b/c it didn't happen to me. I know how he felt though, I had one of those moments last Monday, she wanted to be held all day from 9-4:30 and didn't want to sleep unless she was held. I told Kris on his way home from work that he needed to rescue me when he got home. So he came home and held her for a few minutes, she fell asleep and he put her in her swing and she didn't wake up for hours, something I had tried all day to do.
Our Puppy:
Rufus still doesn't know what to do with Adyson. We had a scary moment with him the other day. Kris let him out to potty on his runner, then he barked letting us know to let him in, I went to get him and he was gone. His hook was laying on the concrete but no sign of him. Kris went looking for him. And of course it was at night at 10 and cold outside and looking for a chocolate lab in the dark is not easy. After about 30 minutes of Kris searching the neighborhood, checking the frozen lake for holes where he could have fell in (scariest thought), I call the family for back up. We started getting Adyson ready to put her in the car so I could drive around while Kris was on foot. Rufus came walking around the corner on the sidewalk and came running when I called for him. I called everyone not to come even though Robbie was already looking in the neighborhood. It was almost an hour of him being gone and me crying. Needless to say we gave him a lot of love that night and we have been watching him closely when he goes out, also we are getting a new chain.