Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Lots of things have happened this year. We lost Papa and Mama, we had Allen and Cameron join our family, Kris and I took on new positions at work, and we found out our life would change forever with the news of Adyson.
(Speaking of Adyson: This is day number 233 and we are 33 weeks pregnant! We have 47 days or 7 weeks left, and are 82.5% of the way there. Those numbers are a little scary!)
Looking into the new year there are a lot of changes to come. We are going to be parents, we are going to be an aunt and uncle, and going to welcome a new little cousin into the world. Who knows what else the new year will bring! We hope that your next year will be as wonderful as ours will be!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Her room

We finished Adyson's furniture and put it in her room. We also bought a matress this weekend at Once Upon a child at their midnight madness sale. We put all her clothes and blankies away in the drawers. It actually looks like a baby's room.

Full term is considered 37 wks. According to that we have 7-10 wks before she could arrive. It is a little scary when you get to those single digits.

It is rather chilly in our house right now, around 58, our furnace has went out. We just replaced an expensive part and it works but now something else went out. We talked to the heating guy and he said that we need a new furnace. My stepdad, who is a heating and air specialist agreed but can't work on ours b/c he does not have this license that you have to have to work in Marion County, b/c we are in the city there are special regulations, silly I think. So we are trying to figure out how to pay for that, so please pray for us about that. We have some space heaters for now, I just carry them around into the rooms that we are in. It could always be worse right?

Sunday, November 26, 2006

My grandmother

My grandmother passed away two days after her birthday this week. It is so wierd to think of this world without my grandparents. They shaped who I am and taught me so much about this world and about God. I laughed when Papa told me not to believe everything that a pastor said. I thought that was funny b/c he was my pastor at the time. He went on to explain that I needed to get into the word and find things out for myself and not always believe what people said but to find out the truth for myself. When I was little Mama told me that one day everyone has to find God for themselves, not thier parents God. That didn't make sense until I was in my senior year of high school and found myself at the altar with papa during the end of a service. He looked so confused at me crying for awhile and finally said Chrissy are you saved. He lead me through a prayer that made God my personal God, not the God my parents told me about. I could tell a million stories, what a mark they made in my life and not just me, they made a billion marks in so many lives. They were true, what you saw is what you got, nothing hiding, no pretense, just people in love with God and loving on you b/c that's what they were meant to do.

Kris and I were talking about how we can let our kids get to know my dad and grandparents without them phyically being here. My grandfather made me a shelf back in 89 and we are hanging it up in Adyson's room. She is also getting the doll bed that he made me. I am going to tell her stories and show her pictures, but most of all I want to show her God's love. It is everywhere, in nature and in people. I want her to see the world like that like they taught me too.


Thanksgiving was good. It was a quiet affair at our house with Sue, Al, Allen, Chanda, and Cam.
I want to decorate for Christmas but in the same sense I don't. Right now it seems like a lot of work for taking it down in a month. Sounds crazy for me to say b/c Christmas is my favorite holiday and I love to decorate for it. I think it is because we won't be here and I can't drag all the decorations out of the attic and feel bad Kris has to do all of it by himself. But we will decorate I'm sure. I can't wait to spend Christmas with my family, I haven't been at my grandma's since four years ago before we got married and Kris has never been to my family for Christmas. We are going to spend the night with Caitlyn and Liz, then my mom, and then pop up and see Jenny and Joey. I can't wait!

Bad day at work

Monday and Tuesday were not good days at work. At one point I went and locked myself in the bathroom, cried, and prayed. It was a good five minutes before God calmed me down. Later that day we had the heating guy come and look at our furnace. He said we would be better off getting a new unit instead of putting money into our current one. I told Kris that I was going to go take a shower and wash the day away and then we could have dinner. With all that we put a strict budget on presents, which is hard for me b/c I love to buy gifts for people. We looked at what we have for Adyson and decided the only thing we need right now is a mattress, the other stuff is not important right now, so that's some stress off. God is in control. Wednesday I woke up and said that is was going to be good. I went to school and turned on Christmas music and smiled. It was a good day and my grandmother went to see God that day. What a way to spend Thanksgiving, worshiping at his feet.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

12 more weeks

We only have 12 more weeks give or take a few until Adyson is here. It has gone really fast and slow all at the same time. We are not ready for her yet. There is still so much to do. We stripped all her furniture today and hopefully we will paint it tomorrow.
I am starting to show more, it's maternity clothes from here on out. My bigger shirts don't even fit anymore. She is kicking rather hard some days. I was standing at work the other day and she kicked really hard, my co-workers thought it was hilarous. I can't wait to met her and hold her!!!!
I can't believe Thanksgiving is almost here! Al and Sue get here on Monday but have to leave on Thursday. I wish they could stay longer. We will probably get up at the crack of dawn the day after Thanksgiving with Marsha and Jer like we have done the last three years to get all the great bargains and laugh at how people act. It is kind of fun and I love to get deals.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Vivid Colors, Brisk Air, & No Heat

Fall is definitely here and in full bloom in Indianapolis. The multitude of beautiful colors have exploded onto their simple leaf pallets they have been hiding in all summer long. I personally love the vivid fall colors and cool brisk air. Its a wonderful season.

As many of you know our older Lumina for the past few years has had us enduring the frigid weather of the north due to a broken heater. Well we finally got it fixed. It took the mechanic about two weeks to get it finished for us but its done. It has been very nice since the temperatures have decided to drop. Unfortunately for us our furnace in our house has decided not to work for us lately. My cousin thinks he knows what it is, and says the part only will cost about $20. I sure hope that's what it is, I think i will give it a try today. Thank goodness for the heated blanket we bought for a car ride home from Chrissy's family and the space heater my mom left when we she moved back to Branson.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Our shopping adventures

We went baby shopping this weekend. We got a diaper bag and stroller at Once Upon a Child and a three piece dresser set at Goodwill that only cost $70! We are going to strip and paint the dressers and put new knobs on them and it should last Adyson for a long time. I also washed all our baby clothes, I just couldn't wait any longer. I want to see them hanging in her closet. She is moving alot. Kris felt her last night for the first time. It was very faint and like a little tickle but we were excited. I want to decorate her room more every day but trying to be patient. Five weeks and we are in our third trimester, it's going fast.

Jo and Rob

Another cousin is on it's way! Johanna and Robbie are pregnant. They are due in May or early June. This will be their third child and I am hoping its a girl but we will have to wait and see. They are not going to find out until she/he are here.

Friday, October 06, 2006

First Time Parents

Adyson got her very first girl outfit the other night at Old Navy. Chrissy could hardly wait to spend her $20 gift card given to her by her former co teacher. (Thanks Hillary) Funny thing about buying kids clothes they cost as much or more than mine! We spent far more than that gift card, but for her first adorable girl outfit I couldn't complain.
Chrissy was telling some of her friends from work about it and one teacher said "That's such a first time parent thing to do!" So it is... and yes we are.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Pink or blue?

It's a girl!
Adyson Layne Mullin
Due Feb 12th

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Everyone's pregnant

There must be something in the water. I know alot of people that have had babies this year and several that are pregnant now. We just found out that Chanda and Allen are pregnant! They are due the end of May. So that means our little one will have a cousin only four and half months younger than them. Maybe my children will be blessed and grow up a little like I grew up, with family around all the time. I want them to have wonderful memories like I do. I miss having everyone close.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

It's wedding season

I think that it's wedding season. We have a wedding today for an old co-worker and then next week is our youth pastors wedding. It seems that everyone at work this weekend was going to a wedding.
We have been trying to find a dresser for the babys room. We went to several Goodwill's last weekend. We want to get a real wood dresser, something that will last them. I did find a cute little wooden chair, we need to strip it, stain it, and change the fabric on the cushion but for $10 it's way cute. We have our next ultrasound on the 28th, then we find out what sex the baby is. I can't wait, I want to decorate or at least think of decorating. It's hard to look at baby stuff because there is not alot of neutral cute stuff. It's all blue or pink.
Kris got a great compliment. One of our neighbors came over and said he had liked what we did with our front porch and wondered if Kris would like to work on a rental house he has. Kris and Robbie are over there now taking measurements on what they would need. We have no clue what you would charge for labor. We are looking into getting a business license and start flipping houses. I am excited about picking stuff out for a house, i find that kind of stuff fun.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Long time no blog

We haven't blogged in awhile. We have been rather busy and when we are not busy I am sleeping. I have been really tired but that's what happens when you are using so much energy to grow another living being inside you. We are 16 weeks along. The baby is about 5 1/2 inches long and weighs about 3 ounces. It can swallow! It has toenails and can move its eyes although there is not alot to see in there. It's amazing, the baby's growing so fast. I haven't gained any weight so far but my weight has shifted to my belly. My pants are not fitting so well anymore. Right now I have one pair for work that was too big before but fits now.
This is our first weekend home in last three weeks. We went to Vevay IN and Carrollton KY to visit family one weekend. The next weekend we went to Branson MO, it was a short visit. We left Saturday morning at 5am and got back at two am Monday. It was not pretty getting up four hours later for work. Last weekend we took some of the junior high youth group to a paintball tournament in Michigan where we camped out for the weekend. They had alot of fun. They played three games and got last place. They were the youngest team by far out there and they played agaisnt pro sponsored teams. Johanna and I were in charge of making all the meals, it was fun, but there was alot of down time for us, next time I'm bringing a book. Here is a picture of them.

Friday, July 28, 2006

My grandmother

Hello all, My family needs prayer. A little background info first.
My grandfather passed away in Feb. of this year. It was pretty sad and amazing at the same time. My grandfather was a retired pastor and during worship service on a Sunday night he was dancing at the front of the church, then he went and sat down, his mother turned to give his bible; he took it and then just lay down in the pew. The doctor's said that he had a massive heart attack. My great grandmother said it was so peaceful. It is always sad when someone dies but to know that he was worshiping here and then seconds later he was worshipping in heaven is so awesome. His funeral was amazing. It was the biggest visitation that the funeral home had ever seen. My grandfather had touched so many lives and the funeral was about salvation, just the way he wanted it.
My grandmother, his wife, was just diagnosed this week with lung cancer in stage four with spots on her brain. She is in the hospital and they are giving her radiation this weekend. My prayer is for her pain of course. Then the second part is for her three daughters. In the last five years our family has lost my dad, two aunts, an uncle, a great grandmother, and my grandfather. It has been tough especially for the unsaved people in the family. Death is so final when you are an unbeliever. I am sad but I know I will see these people again. So that's my prayer request today.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Nothing new

Well it has been awhile since our last blog. We are now 10 weeks and two days along. We have our next appointment in two weeks. Nothing really going on, I had a bug this last weekend that we are passing around the family. Kris has been helping our aunt and uncle put up a playground for thier grandkids. I am just really tired, all the time. I am looking forward to some more energy in the second trimester. Work has been ok, a little stressful at times. We are going to take a trip in about three weekends to Branson, Sue is moving back and we are picking up the pop up camper. The weekend after that we are going to Michigan because Kris is playing in a paintball tournament with his team. He is majorly excited about it. I think they will do really good.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Baby's first picture

Here is our first ultrasound. We are 8 weeks and 4 days. The baby is about the size of a grape. We got to hear it's heartbeat, 169 beats per minute. Everything looked great and the baby even flipped around during the ultrasound. The arrows on the picture indicate the arms and the legs.

Monday, July 03, 2006

The Explorer

Here is our new car! It is a 2006 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer edition. We just picked it up.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

My family

I took this picture off our friends Jim and Kristie's blog, thanks guys. I just thought it was such a great picture that I had to share it. When you get married it is such a new wonderful experience. I am grateful that I married into a family that I like. I know that sounds crazy but I have met so many people that don't like thier in-laws. Kris' family is alot smaller than mine which at holidays is kind of wierd but then again you get to talk to everyone. One thing that I had to realize when we got married was that Kris and I were a family. When I thought of family I thought of my grandparents, my aunts, uncles, cousins. Kris keep trying to get me to understand that we don't have to spend every holiday with family because we are a family. I finally got the concept but being from such a close nit family that is so big and getting bigger it was a hard concept. Any way I love my family but wish they were all within an hour of me.

Friday, June 30, 2006

A new car

We are looking for a new car. We found a 2006 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer Edition with 6 CD in dash, memory seating, leather/suede seats, sparkly cherry color, and third row seating(which is a must for us). We are going to the dealer tonight and see what we can work out. Kris works with a guy that retired from Ford and is giving us his discount, which is cool. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

One more

I forgot this picture. It was the day after the wedding. Everyone went to Allen and Chanda's house for a picnic and to watch them open gifts. Cameron, Christian and Rufus were trying to help.

Pics of Allen and Chanda's wedding

Ok, it has taken me awhile to get these pictures but here they are finally! Enjoy!!

Al and Chanda at rehearsal

Jim, Kristie, and Maddie
Kristie and their youngest Maddie
On the stage at rehearsal, Chanda is giving instructions
Blowing bubbles
Cake time!
The wedding party

Friday, June 23, 2006

6 weeks

This week our baby is about the size of a small lentil bean. Thier brain, muscles, and bones are beginning to take shape. Thier hands and feet resemble little paddles, with thick webbing still in place between thier developing fingers and toes. And thier tiny heart has begun beating. They are about to make thier very first movements even though I can't feel it.

This website is pretty neat. It tells you all kind of info about when you were born. It's fun to see stuff like that.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

My head hurts

I called my doctor today to see if I could take anything for my headache. Thank goodness I can. It wouldn't be so bad if my job was quiet but four and five year old children are not quiet.
Speaking of my students, one of my boys came up to my stomach and said he wanted to listen to the flea. I laughed and said What? He said your baby is as big as a flea and I want to listen to him. It was so cute. I am going to have to write that in my pregnancy journal that my mother in law got for me. Kris's sister Chanda has already bought the baby an outfit and socks, how funny. I have a feeling that I won't have to buy that many items between Sue, Chanda, and Marsha buying them and that's all right with me!!

Monday, June 12, 2006

I'm tired

I am tired. I read in one of my books that being pregnant is like hiking a mountain, that you are using that much energy. I am drinking so much water because I feel so thirsty. We have our first ultrasound scheduled for July 6th. I can't wait!!!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Pictures of our cousins

My mother in law Sue and Eli
Christian at grandma's

Eli building with blocks
Johanna and Eli
Johanna and Robbie have Eli, who is three and Christian, who is one.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Great News!!!

We found out wonderful news this week. We are pregnant. We are four or four and a half weeks along. I am doing great, no morning sickness and keeping my fingers crossed. We should be due around late February. We will keep you posted!!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

This is my prayer today

There is this girl, she doesn't know who she is, or is afraid to show people who she is. She is a chameleon, she changes herself around different groups like her family or friends. She shows the side of herself to who she thinks wants to see it. I think she is afraid to be judged although we have never said anything to her about her decisions. We have tried to show her love and support. She needs to separate from this person and stop using them as a crutch and they need to stop using her as a crutch. Pray for her to find herself and let everyone see it. Pray for her to find God. Let her stop running from her past. She works so much and so hard so she doesn't have to stop and think. Pray for peace.

The wedding

Allen and Chanda are offically married. They are in Cancun Mexico now. The wedding and reception went very well. It was simple but nice. It seems like everyone has a story about how thier wedding had a major upset or something that went wrong, but this one had none.

I was so proud of Kris. I have heard people say that they were so proud of thier children that they almost cried. That is how I felt on Saturday watching him perform the ceremony. The funniest thing was that he forgot to tell the audience to sit down. We finally sit down on our own but it was so funny because my grandma had told us a story about my grandfather forgetting to tell the congregation to sit, Kris even put it in the ceremony papers, but he still forgot. It was really cute.

It was a good weekend. It went by very quick. Our friends from Florida, Jim and Kristie came up for the wedding and brought thier three beautiful little girls, Emily, Serendity, and Maddie. They stayed with us and now I really want a little girl. You know how you are around some children and you leave and think maybe you don't want children right now. Well Kris and I left these three little ones wanting children. They were just so cute.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Chinese jump rope

Have you ever heard of Chinese jump rope? I had never heard of it until today. I was checking my email in the break room at work and they were having an exercise class. They taught the children how to play. It is a rope in a circle that two people hold making it into a sqaure and the person jumps in and out of it. It looked like fun.

Monday, May 22, 2006

God is still in control

This week is going to be CRAZY.
I have parent teacher conferences tonight and tomorrow. Wednesday Kris's grandmother and dad are coming into town for Chanda's wedding. I have class Thurday night and we have friends that have three little girls that are coming in town on Friday. Friday night is the rehearsal dinner, Saturday is the wedding, Sunday is the after the wedding picnic and gift opening. Plus I still need to touch up the paint downstairs, buy a spare bed, and get an outfit for the wedding. We have Monday off. I am going to sleep in and do laundry and that's it!

This weekend we got alot done. I love when we get alot done. I like relaxed weekends also but nothing beats that feeling of getting stuff done. We finished the spare bedroom and office except for hanging up pictures. I took a huge load of stuff to Goodwill. I unpacked all our books that have been in boxes since Chanda moved in with us two years ago (she has moved out but we never unpacked the boxes because we didn't have the office set up).

With all that said Kris and I got prayer at church Sunday. We just needed prayer for the week and some stuff that is going on in the family. It was such a great prayer time. I love to hear when God starts to speak thru people and it is what you were just hearing. God is so great. We talked about how God had given us such faith for what was said and being prayed. I got to see a little glimpse of some of it last night. I even felt different. There is nothing like feeling God.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Going to the zoo

Today was the perfect day for a zoo trip. I took my students to the zoo because we have been talking about animals. It was great but I always go on field trips and then tell Kris that we need to go again because I spend the whole time watching the children and keep track of them that I don't get to enjoy it. Any way it was beautiful in Indy today and I had 8 parent volunteers so it was nice. Field trip days always mean lower numbers. We have a ratio of 1 teacher to every 12 children as long as they are 4 or older, so I was left with 9 children in my room. I love having a smaller amount of children, I can get more in depth in teaching.
Anyway last night we painted our office. I am so excited to move all the stuff back in. Then tomorrow we are painting the guest room and decorating! I love that part, the decorating. Although the office is Kris's to decorate. I told him when we got married that he can have the office and decorate it anyway he wants. He loves to fish and likes eagles, so that's how the office is. I am looking forward to the weekend. I want to finally be totally unpacked (all my books are still in boxes) and have most of the house painted. Kris has a big paintball game on Sunday after church. He is really excited because it is agaisnt a professional paintball team. I'll count his bruises and tell you about it.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Getting to know Chrissy

Name: Christina Lynn Mullin
Birthday: September 3rd ( the same day as Kris, wierd I know)
Birthplace: Carrollton Kentucky
Current Location: Indianapolis Indiana
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'2"
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right.
The Shoes You Wore Today: My work Nike, gray and yellow
Your Weakness: Ice Cream
Your Perfect Pizza: Homemade Bacon Cheeseburger that Kris makes
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Losing weight or having a baby(they kind of conterdict)
Thoughts First Waking Up: What is Kris doing?
Your Best Physical Feature: Eyes and Hair
Your Bedtime: 10-11
Your Most Missed Memory: Talking to my dad, having home group in Florida
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
MacDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: I don't like tea
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate of course
Cappuccino or Coffee: I don't drink coffee
Do you Sing:Yes.
Have you Been in Love: I still am to my husband
Do you want to go to College: Still going
Do you belive in yourself:Yeah.
Do you get Motion Sickness:No
Do you think you are Attractive: Yes
Are you a Health Freak:No. I try to drink a lot of water though.
Do you get along with your Parents: Yes
Do you like Thunderstorms: Yes
Do you play an Instrument: No
In the past month have you been on Drugs: I had my wisdom teeth out and had to have pain meds and penicillin.
In the past month have you gone on a Date: yes
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: yes
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: not by myself
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: Absolutely not.
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: In the shower.
Ever been Drunk: No
Ever Shoplifted: No
How do you want to Die: During the rapture or with Kris while we sleep
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: I haven't figured it out yet, just being with Kris and having a family
What country would you most like to Visit: Ireland
Two things you'd like to do before you die: see my family get saved and see my children have children
Number of CDs I own: A lot.
Number of Piercings: Five in my ears
Number of Tattoos: none
Number of things in my Past I Regret: Talking back to my mom, not standing up to people, but thanks goodness Jesus has forgiven me of all the other stuff.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

My puppy

This is a picture of my puppy Rufus. Kris is rubbing his ears. He loves to have his ears rubbed. He just got back from the doctor today. Last night when we came home he was acting very wierd. He took a really long time to walk down the stairs, he wouldn't catch treats, he walked around everything like it was going to hurt him, and he was shaking. I called the vet right away. They were closing right then but gave me an appointment this morning. So Kris took him this morning and dropped him off. Our aunt Marsha went and picked him up today. I just got off the phone with the doctor and he thinks that he had a seizure and it just took him a while to get his bearings back.

I have offically become one of those people that I have made fun of in the past. I love my dog and almost cried last night at the thought of him being sick or in pain. I made my husband go into work late to take him to the doctor. That's not all. We bought him an orthopedic bed and he has his own 'diaper bag' that we take with us when he goes to grandma and grandpa Fullers (my mom and stepdads). I even have a basket that keeps his toys in it so he can pick which toy he wants to play with. You should never make fun of people because you end up doing the same thing.

I had a dog when I was little, her name was Penny and she was a beagle. I loved her but it is different when the dog lives in your house. When they are around you every moment you get to know them. It's crazy, I know but if you have a dog then you understand and if you don't then you can laugh at me.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Here comes the bride

It's getting close. Kris's sister Chanda is going to get married May 27th. Kris is going to be the minister performing the ceremony. It will be his first wedding that he has performed. It's exciting. They are getting married in Lafayette IN at a local park.
It will make us an aunt and uncle for the first time. Chanda's fiance has a little boy who just turned four. His name is Cameron.
My grandmother emailed us and reminded Kris to tell the people to sit down. When my grandfather did my aunt and uncle's wedding he forgot to tell the people to sit down and they stood for the whole time. Isn't that funny.